This is a very difficult question for me to answer. First of all, I have no idea the specifics on what I want to do in ten years because I do not even know what I want to do when I graduate in May. I know to some people, especially my mom, this is scary. Here I am, a 22 year old woman not sure of what I want to do with the rest of my life. Well, enough about what I don't know, here are some things I do know.
I want to work with people. I want to help people, whether that means making sure they have adequate health care, a shoulder to cry on, a place to call home, or just as simple as a warm dinner each night, I want to interact with people; I want to better peoples lives.
I want to wake up every morning excited to go to my job. I know everyone has bad days where they don't want to get out of bed, but overall I want to love my job. If a person asks me, "what do you do for a living?" I want to talk so much about my job and what I do that they have to cut me off, rather than me run out of positive things to say about it.
I want to learn something new every day. I don't want to live a life where everything is planned out for me; everything is routine. I know some things have to be, like going to work every day. But if I don't learn something new every day, either about myself or another person, I will feel like I am no longer growing as a person.
I believe GWSS will be able to help me in my future goals and career, whatever they may be because it is already helping me see the world through another person's eyes. And by learning about other people, I can reflect on myself and learn even more about me.
Although I do not have any concrete answers to where I will be in 10 years, I know what kind of person I want to be and I hope the rest will fall into place.